Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

Facebook Places and Privacy How To

August 24, 2010

New facebook privacy setting allows people to see where you are.

Follow these steps to help protect your privacy:

1) Log in to Facebook. From Account menu, choose Privacy Settings.
Click the Customize option and then click the ‘Customize settings’
link (it’s the one next to the pencil below the table depicting your
current privacy settings).

2) Under the “Things I Share” heading, all the way at the bottom (of
that section), there are two things you may want to change. By default
‘Places I check in’ should be set to only be visible by your friends,
but you may want to limit it to less. Use the drop down menu to do so.
Below that option is ‘Include me in “People Here Now’ after I check
in.” It is enabled by default. This will let people know you’re at a particular location via the location’s page or in a search for people near you. Uncheck ‘Enable” if you don’t want this.

3) Lastly—and this is an important one—go down to the section called
‘Things Others Share’ and find ‘Friends can check me in to Places.’
Initially, they aren’t set to anything at all so the default option could be either choice. Regardless, set this to ‘Disabled’ if you don’t want your friends checking you in. Keep in mind that any friend could potentially check you in anywhere. You don’t actually have to be there. If you don’t want anyone playing a practical joke and checking you in to a strip club, for example, this is a good thing to turn off.

Also, your location can be shared with friends’ applications as well.
To turn that off, you have to go to a completely different section.
Click the ‘Applications and Websites’ link at the bottom and then go
to the ‘Info accessible through your friends’ section. Click ‘Edit
Settings’ and you’ll see a bunch of boxes. Anything checked is
available to Facebook apps that your friends are using. The last
checkbox in this section is ‘Places I’ve visited,’ so uncheck that if
you don’t want your friends’ apps grabbing your location information
as well.

(Thanks to
for this info!)

Harvest Farms and Suwanee Community Garden Volunteer Day “A Success!”

October 29, 2009

We here at Green In Gwinnett Area posted an event on our Facebook events page that asked for volunteers to assist in the beginning stages at the Suwanee Community Garden.  What a great day it turned out to be.  We would like to thank Jessica Roth from the City of Suwanee for putting together such a successful and community oriented event.  Nearly 60 people showed up to help out!  There were members of Green In Gwinnett Area, Harvest Farms, Georgia Piedmont Land Trust, and other folks from Suwanee and neighboring communities.  Food and refreshments were provided for the volunteers from companies such as Honeybaked Ham and Subway.  There were prizes given away from local companies such as Print Green USA which donated (9) $30 gift certificates for laser toners, ink cartridges, or printer drums.

It is great to have a city like Suwanee Georgia who takes such good care of their residents.  Be sure to checkout the new Suwanee Downtown Website!

Think Green In Gwinnett!

Special Thanks to all of the Sponsors:

  • Atlanta Bread Company, Suwanee
  • Starbucks, Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
  • Krispy Kreme, Buford
  • Subway, 3370 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd.
  • Honey Baked Ham, Peachtree Parkway
  • Wal-Mart, Suwanee
  • Kroger, Suwanee
  • Publix, Suwanee
  • Chick-fil-A, Suwanee
  • Print Green USA, Suwanee

Who owns those organic companies anyways Gwinnett?

January 26, 2009

Do you know what companies own the organic food lines that you are currently or may be consuming in the future?  Go to the link at the bottom of this article to find out.  You may be surprised!  You are probably buying one or more of these brands currently.  I would be surprised if you aren’t.

Where are the best deals for organic foods in Gwinnett?  Let us know about organic shopping in Suwanee, Lawrenceville, Norcross, Lilburn, Duluth, or whatever part of Gwinnett you are from.  Comment on this blog.

Is eating green always the sustainable way?  Look for more information soon from GIGA Green In Gwinnett Area concerning this topic and many others.

Find GIGA Green In Gwinnett Area on Facebook and Linkedin!




James Chronicle

Click here to see who owns these organic companies:

A Resolution to WalkGreen…

January 26, 2009

Today is a great day to commit to learning how to WalkGreen. My personal goal is to teach how to WalkGreen via the internet, in my local Gwinnett community, the metropolitan Atlanta area, state of Georgia and Southeastern part of the United States as God provides the means. I want to share easy ways each of us can make small lifestyle changes to help protect, preserve and live in harmony with the earth as God intended!

Some people believe Green living requires the loss of style, fashion and money. The truth is when you decide to WalkGreen you’ll save money and make a better place to live for yourself, others and generations to come. So my prayer today is any and everyone reading this today will make a commitment to changing at least one thing at a time. If we all change a little it can help a lot. I don’t know if you’ve made your resolution list yet but I encourage you to add learning to WalkGreen a priority in 2009. It can’t hurt in this economy we can all afford to learn a few things that will save us money. Why not do something to help the earth and Gwinnett in the process?

Add this resolution to your 2009 list …Walk Green In Gwinnett and save!

Here are two tips the easy green tip from December and the new tip for January.

December: Drink filtered water instead of bottled water. Filling and reusing a stainless steel container created for long term use with water is more beneficial to the environment and your pockets than purchasing bottled water. With all of the talk about chemicals used in bottling plastics it may also prove to be even more beneficial to your health.

January: Recyle! In Gwinnett county (Snellville, Suwanee, Duluth, Centerville, Lawrenceville, Norcross etc) all of the garbage disposal companies (including whoever eventually ends up with the final contract) pick up the little blue bins that take away plastics, aluminum cans and glass. Call your waste disposal provider today. The more you recycle the less you throw away. This cuts down on how often you purchase garbage bags, that saves you money. WalkGreen…and Save!

Join Green In Gwinnett Area on Facebook and LinkedIn!  GIGA!  Spread the word!